Creative Impulsivity & Balance - Full Moon in Aries

Creative Impulsivity & Balance - Full Moon in Aries

{~8 minute read... or listen to me speak about even more here on our new podcast!}   Hello to you as you are in this moment.   My hope is that this...
September 27, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Tags: Moonletters
Birthing: the Story of how Cycles Journal Came to Be

Birthing: the Story of how Cycles Journal Came to Be

Six years ago from writing this I began creating Cycles Journal during my Jupiter return; a chaotic year of growth inside & out. I felt like my emotions were controlling...
September 22, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Mindful Cycles - Virgo New Moon & New Offering! :)

Mindful Cycles - Virgo New Moon & New Offering! :)

{~7 minute read... or listen to me speak about even more here on our new podcast!} Hello to you as you are in this moment. My hope is that this bi-weekly Moonletter...
September 11, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Honoring Cycles of Change & Trusting in Regrowth

Honoring Cycles of Change & Trusting in Regrowth

{~7 minute read... or listen to me speak about even more here on our new podcast episode} Hello to you as you are in this moment. My hope is that this bi-weekly...
September 05, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
A Full Blue Moon in Pisces Shines Upon Mutable Earth & Waters

A Full Blue Moon in Pisces Shines Upon Mutable Earth & Waters

{~10 minute read... or listen to me speak about even more here on our new podcast!} Hello to you as you are in this moment. *My hope is that this Moonletter meets...
August 29, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Tags: Moonletters
The Story Behind the 2024 Cover Art - Iris Awareness

The Story Behind the 2024 Cover Art - Iris Awareness

[listen here] For me, art starts with a feeling, a message, then words weaving into visuals. formations, symbols & sensory images. There's always an incubation process before formation. Do you...
August 25, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Liberation Through Self-Empowerment - Leo New Moon & More

Liberation Through Self-Empowerment - Leo New Moon & More

Hello to you as you are in this moment. My hope is that this Moonletter meets you well exactly where you are at, and is a reminder of your inherent...
August 15, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Tags: Moonletters
I've been so excited to tell you more...

I've been so excited to tell you more...

Can you relate to the feeling of caring about something so much, that you subconsciously decide it's safer kept hidden inside rather than attempting to let it flow out of...
August 14, 2023 — Rachael Amber Longo
Inviting Familiarity into New Spaces of Evolving Comfort

Inviting Familiarity into New Spaces of Evolving Comfort

The nurturing energy from this Cancer New Moon during Cancer Season encourages inviting familiarity into new spaces of evolving comfort - What does home mean to me? What does community...
July 16, 2023 — Team Cycles Journal
Tags: Moonletters
Finding fulfillment in foundational growth

Finding fulfillment in foundational growth

The structured energy from this Capricorn Full Moon during Cancer Season is an invitation to find fulfillment in foundational growth - What am I committed to? How have I grown...
July 01, 2023 — Team Cycles Journal
Tags: Moonletters
Opening & clearing mental space to invite fresh perspectives

Opening & clearing mental space to invite fresh perspectives

  The inquisitive energy from this Gemini New Moon during Gemini Season is an invitation to open and clear mental space to invite in fresh perspectives - What areas of...
June 15, 2023 — Team Cycles Journal
Tags: Moonletters
Expanding Into Curiosity & Exploration for a Higher Purpose

Expanding Into Curiosity & Exploration for a Higher Purpose

The Sagittarius Full Moon takes place on June 3, 2023, at ~11:41 pm ET in the element of Fire. What a way to kick off Pride Month! 🌈🌈🌈Full moons can signify...
June 02, 2023 — Team Cycles Journal
Tags: Moonletters