The Pisces New Moon takes place on February 20, 2023, at ~2:05 am ET in the element of Water.

New moons serve as new beginnings, new cycles. Many folks use new moons to clarify what they want to manifest and build on. New moons can also typically feel very grounding (you may even notice that you or your loved ones feel more sleepy or tired around the new moon each cycle!).

This new moon in Pisces serves as a remarkably intuitive, expansive, spiritual time to open up to new possibilities of support and purpose. If you’re currently having your menstrual bleed right now, I encourage you to pay special attention to what you’re feeling and intuiting right now. There’s so much wisdom that can be received when we bleed, and this Pisces new moon provides an even greater access point for any much-needed revelation.

Regardless of where you are in your cycle or what season of your life you’re currently experiencing, this is still a magical and fertile time to plant seeds for your dreams to come to fruition! This new moon, we may enjoy dreamy, creative time spent as we consider how we want to serve our communities and how we can be supported. 

Mend and embrace new possibilities for relationships with others by being present and authentic about how you feel. Clear communication and sensitive empathy go a long way. It's important to note that Piscean energy, when unbalanced, may lead to escapism, avoidance, and self-sacrifice, which may foster resentment in the long run.

Healing can occur in our relationships when we lean into the compassionate nature of Pisces. Given that Piscean energy can sometimes be selfless to a fault, this new moon, I encourage you to get clear on your healthy balance between giving and receiving. Remember, compassion and healthy boundaries go together!

Pisces, symbolized by The Two Fishes, rules the Moon card in tarot and understands the value of healing the past for emotional clarity and resolve. By dissolving unforgiveness, judgment and confusion and letting go of ego responses, we open ourselves up to new levels of emotional healing. 

Our emotional healing allows us to be of service to others. Providing healthy service to others through compassionate connection and embracing boundaries opens us up to more support and purpose.

Here are some prompts to pull cards for or journal about (or both!) to help you set the tone for this new cycle. In other words, these prompts can help you see yourself and your life in a new way.

No matter how your personal astrology interacts with these signs, it's a good time to reflect on these themes of opening up to new possibilities of support and purpose, embracing compassionate connection, and healing.

  • What am I ready to give and share with others?
  • What am I ready to receive and accept from others?
  • Where in my life do I need more support?
  • What does living “on purpose” look like for me?
  • What tools and resources do I have available to support my emotional healing at this time?
  • Where (or with who) can I invite more compassion and set healthy boundaries?

As always, take your time answering and reflecting upon these questions – you can revisit them throughout the year and beyond this new moon.

This new moon's deeply fertile energy for expansive support and purpose may inspire you to share your wisdom with others. We support you in doing so and encourage you to secure a space in our Featured Collective and/or HRD

We're opening feature spots for folks who want to share their teachings and offerings in next year's Cycles Journal. This opportunity to collaborate in reciprocity with us in this special way only comes around once a year. We always look forward to it with gratitude as it makes this independent publication truly possible and brings a beautiful web of change-makers together. :)


May the seeds you plant during this dreamy new moon flourish <3 

With Gratitude,

Valencia & Team Cycles Journal

p.s. Two of our lovely Featured Collective members are hosting a Pelvic Health Summit! It's going to be incredible. Here's a gift – Save 18% before 2/28 with code: LOVEYOURWOMB


February 18, 2023 — Team Cycles Journal
Tags: Moonletters

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