Our Core Values
Our values & intentions impact all efforts in all that we do.
At Cyclical Roots, we are...
Intentional - We carefully consider our decisions, collaborations, and productions to ensure ethical standards are prioritized for people & planet. Sustainability and transparency is always our goal, and as an artist-driven, independently funded and created micro-business, we can prioritize it.
Nature-centric - We center and honor nature as our primordial teacher, and ourselves as students, stewards and allies, who are also a part of the whole.
Wholistic - We honor the wholistic interdependence of our bodies, ourselves, our communities, our planet & beyond. There are moments for specificity and focus, but we always remain aware of our potential impact upon the whole. We practice this through Cyclical Mindfulness.
Inclusive / Intersectional - We honor spectrums and contradictions. We prioritize inclusivity but not without boundaries. We honor both science and spirit, always seeking the truth of multiple perspectives. We are for the liberation and empowerment of all Queerfolks & Black, Brown & Indigenous peoples. We are decolonial and anti-capitalist. We are fluid & rooted.
Equitable - We aim to empower, center and uplift marginalized communities and individuals. We seek to divest from injustice and contribute to an equitable present and future. We honor all genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, cultures, abilities and economic statuses throughout our work. We do not tolerate hate or injustice towards any groups. We created our Pay It Forward Fund in efforts to ensure our work is accessible. We also aim to fundraise and uplift through our Advocacy Efforts.
Connective - We value interconnection. We are a growing community community, opportunities for collaboration & connection, fundraisers, advocacy & financial support systems to create an equitable ecosystem. Healing Resource Directory, Cyclical Community, Moonthly Meets, and other opportunies for collaboration. We also do our best to provide free resources through our Healing Resource Library, Blog, Podcast and more.
Original yet Primordial - We believe in shared ideas and movements, but also credit where it is due and honor the contributions of individuals. Our art & creations are originally created but primordially rooted - we are grateful for those who respect that and we do our best to honor lineages of inspiration as well.
Real - We are a micro-business with a mission driven by humans. We aim to be authentic and transparent. We don't run by mega-corp standards nor will we ever. We hope you can feel and celebrate that with us!